Dear All,

The Global community is dealing with an unprecedent set of circumstances, in our lifetimes there has never been a Pandemic of this magnitude.

The Government of Malaysia has confronted the crisis with a rigorous Program to contain the risk & ultimately eradicate the virus in this country.

Our Company is supporting The Governments Program; we are complying with the regulations that have been implemented to-date & we will continue to monitor & adapt as changes occur.

The SCI Leadership Team is completely focused on managing our Company through the crisis & also positioning the business for a rapid & strong recovery when the MCO restrictions are lifted.

The forced transition to working remotely & social distancing has highlighted opportunities for SCI to improve its capabilities. In future we will be dedicating resources to our Company Infrastructure & Systems which will improve the Company’s flexibility & responsiveness in all business conditions.

During the last ten days we have been able to upgrade staff training & planning.

Sales and Design staff can be contacted as usual. We continue to accept Purchase Orders, Submit Approvals and provide Designs to ensure a prompt return to business as usual.

To summarize: these are the most challenging of times, but by supporting & complying with the Government’s Programs we can minimize the health risk to ourselves & protect our families.

Our Company will continue to embrace the opportunity to work remotely and we will use this time to upgrade our capabilities, systems & staff training. By being proactive we can clearly turn the threat into an opportunity, and build a better business that is more responsive to the market & our customer needs.
Thank you for your support.