Dear All,

As you know on the 12th of October 2020 the Government announced the reimposition of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in four states and territories, namely Sabah, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya to contain a third wave of Covid-19 outbreaks.

Our Company will continue to support & comply with the Government’s SOP and regulations. The health & well-being of our employees & their families is paramount & we will continue to do our part to flatten the curve of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia.

During this new CMCO all Company departments can be contacted as usual.
We will continue to accept purchase orders, submit approvals, provide designs & ship product to all Regions & States.

The SCI Leadership Team remains completely focused on managing our Company through this latest CMCO period & positioning the business for a rapid & strong recovery.

Company updates will continue to be circulated by e-mail & are also available on our LinkedIn page & the SCI Website.

Thank you for your support.

David Plummer
Chief Executive Officer