We have now entered our third week of operations & life under the regulations imposed by the Movement Control Order. Unless the Order is extended we will have another nine days of restricted movement. The Government is due to determine whether there will be a further extension on Friday, April 10th. SCI will continue to monitor & adapt if any changes occur.

Since March 18th SCI has continued to work remotely to administer the business & respond to our customers’ requests. With the appropriate approvals we have remained willing to supply contracts/job sites where the work is deemed essential; to-date none of our customers’ projects have received the necessary approvals to operate under the MCO.

As soon as the due date for resumption of shipments is confirmed we will activate plans to ramp up operations. The Sales, & Logistics staff will coordinate with customers to build realistic schedules that meet expectations & use our resources to the best possible effect. We must manage the transition from dormant to full utilization as efficiently as possible.

To summarize: We will continue to support & comply with the Government’s Programs. The health & well-being of our employees & their families is paramount.

The SCI Leadership Team remains completely focused on managing our Company through the current crisis & positioning the business for a rapid & strong recovery when the MCO restrictions are lifted.

Company updates will continue to be circulated by e-mail & are also available on our LinkedIn page & the SCI Website.

Thank you for your support.