
Stormtrap is more cost-effective and effcient than other stormwater management solutions. Compared to traditional systems, Fixus Solutions offers the industry’s best new solutions for managing runoff, protecting waterways and improving the use of property.

SCI Stormtrap come with 2 model, SingleTrap and DoubleTrap.

Our SingleTrap design allows engineers to customize a durable and maintainable stormwater management system to your site’s exact requirements. The SingleTrap design offers a wide range of options and benefits. Whether you are working in an extremely limited space or you trying to preserve the land above for parking, buildings, StormTrap can help.

Meanwhile, DoubleTrap design offers the stormwater management solutions you need to control the volume and discharge timing of runoff. Engineers can customize the DoubleTrap solutions to meet your exact needs, and the modular design allows us to maximize your storage volume while minimizing your footprint and overall costs. Reduced installation costs combined with modular design and maximum land use makes the DoubleTrap system the smart choice.