MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER (MCO). Dear SCI Employee: As you know the Government has announced another Movement Control Order effective from 13th January 2021. We have updated our International Trade and Industry Ministry (MITI) permit to continue to operate as an...

COVID-19 (CMCO) Oct 13, 2020

Dear All, As you know on the 12th of October 2020 the Government announced the reimposition of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in four states and territories, namely Sabah, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya to contain a third wave of Covid-19...

COVID-19 – Update 8

Dear All, We are pleased to confirm that we have received permission from the Ministry of International Trade & Industry to resume limited operations at our factories. If your projects have also received MITI approval please contact your local SCI sales/logistics...

COVID-19 – Update 7

Dear All, As you know yesterday the Government extended Movement Control Order until at least the 28th April 2020. Since yesterday’s announcement on the MCO extension the Minister for International Trade & Industry has issued a Statement that updates the sectors...

COVID-19 – Update 6

We have now entered our third week of operations & life under the regulations imposed by the Movement Control Order. Unless the Order is extended we will have another nine days of restricted movement. The Government is due to determine whether there will be a...

COVID-19 – Update 5

Dear All, The Global community is dealing with an unprecedent set of circumstances, in our lifetimes there has never been a Pandemic of this magnitude. The Government of Malaysia has confronted the crisis with a rigorous Program to contain the risk & ultimately...